Count Your Blessing…

Have you ever thought about how we often take our lives for granted? We may hold grudges over small things, stop talking to people, or end relationships. But is whatever we’re upset about really worth missing out on precious moments with loved ones? Probably not. Sometimes, a person who hurts us is actually hurting inside themselves. Our act of love, care, forgiveness, or simply reaching out to them could help to heal them and bridge the gap between us. It’s easy to think we have all the time in the world, but even young people pass away every day. Would we regret not communicating with someone if we found out they had passed away? If so, it’s time to think positively and reach out to that person. Life and relationships are precious.

We may also take things for granted, such as having a loving spouse, food to eat, clothes to wear, a healthy child, good health, a reliable vehicle, or money to pay bills. Let’s encourage ourselves to stop complaining and start counting our blessings. Even if we feel like we have nothing to count on, the fact that we are alive is a blessing in and of itself.

Life is complex, and it’s important to remember that each of us is here for a limited time. Watching a child grow is one of the most wonderful things in the world, and children are gifts from God that we should treasure as long as we can.

So let’s count our blessings, not our problems. When we do, we may find that we have much more to be grateful for than we realized. Remember, none of us can assume that we will be here for tomorrow. Let’s make the most of the time we have.

Ms. Pusshpa P

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