Turning Point

Turning point happens not only on the road, but also in life.One such turning point in my life happened when I was a below average student in the class of four. I was a good storyteller. Even now. So there was always a crowd surrounding me in the class to hear the bag full of stories. One day my mom came for a Parent Teacher Meeting. All the subject teachers complained
about my studies. I hung my head in shame. All at once, my English teacher came to my classroom and she tried to stop other teachers. “Why did you all notice her negativity? Please see her positive things. She is a good storyteller. She has a nice voice. Maybe in the future she will become a teacher and teach lessons in an interesting way to tell stories and sing songs.” These were the words from her. Thunderstruck, other teachers went quietly. That day I got a sparkle in my eyes. Her words changed my life. I started writing my test in my own words and got good marks. My English teacher observed my changes and started encouraging me to participate in Story writing competitions, singing competitions, poem writing competitions and elocution. I secured many prizes and became a popular celebrity in my school. Finally I was selected as a School Pupil Leader which I never dreamt of, but aspired for. That skill has made me stand in the position of a teacher. Everyone has to come up with such a turning point. Henceforth, Wait for yours.